Thursday 27 December 2012

Banana grower uses cane waste to cut fertilizer use

Banana grower uses cane waste to cut fertilizer use:

A Queensland banana grower says he’s halved his fertiliser usage by recycling cane waste. Peter Inderbitzen, managing director of Swiss Farms in Lakeland, north of Cooktown, turns cane waste and chicken manure into about 1000 tonnes of compost every two weeks.
He’s using the compost to improve his banana plants and also spread on his broadacre cropping land. However, Mr Inderbitzen says although he’s very pleased with his yields, compost isn’t a cheap alternative to conventional fertilisers.”It’s twice as dear as putting on fertiliser. The sustainability of making compost is very hard because the cost is double, so we’ve got to get around that.”
Banana cane waste

Banana grower uses cane waste to cut fertilizer use"

Bitter Gourds, Onion, Cotton, All In One

Bitter gourds, onion bulbs for seed, cotton sticks hedge from North “Frost Bite Protection”, & Mango trees………………..all in one…..don’t get bothered cotton plants were thoroughly washed with insecticides………..

Bitter gourds


Bitter Gourds, Onion, Cotton, All In One"

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wake Up Pakistan Do Invest on Such Events

Plant quarantine: “Wake Up Pakistan Do Invest on Such Events”

APPPC symposium on pest surveillance, 29 October – 2 November 2012, Anyang, Republic of Korea

The above symposium was established to develop assistance for countries in the implementation of ISPM 6 (Guidelines for surveillance). For the first time, it set priority for development of manual guides based on questionnaire results and manual framework description by an expert group with global representation. The symposium held by APPPC/RAP from 29 Oct – 2 Nov 2012 in Republic of Korea was attended by about 50 experts from 28 countries, 19 of which were APPPC members. Countries were to be assisted in producing national manuals on surveillance, with the priority areas identified. The attendants jointly constructed 20 manual frameworks on surveillance which covered three surveillance areas including operational guidance,technical support and management support. The manual guides will be produced by the International Review and Support System (IRSS) of IPPC next year. The guides will act as a basis material for countries to develop their own surveillance manuals. The symposium has met the original aims of APPPC in moving towards the development of assistance that will help its members implement ISPM 6. The attendants proposed the reporting of the results of the meeting at the CPM and the production of manual frameworks for ISPMs on PRA, pest status, pest reporting and pest lists.

Wake Up Pakistan Do Invest on Such Events"/>

Monday 22 October 2012

Breaking the Barriers to Small Farm Mechanization

Breaking the Barriers to Small Farm Mechanization……….wagon wheel……

There is no guaranteed procedure to ensure the transfer of any technology because of the variability of situations and conditions surrounding popularization and extension of technology. Some important initial considerations in mechanization technology dissemination are careful assessment in identifying mechanization needs and prescribing the appropriate machinery or set of machinery. Equally essential is the approach on how we attempt to have our farmers `adopt or adapt’ the technology we offer.


Breaking the Barriers to Small Farm Mechanization

Breaking the Barriers to Small Farm Mechanization"

Small Farmers Mechanization Project Implementing Process.................

Small Farmers Mechanization Project Implementing Process……………..

Small Farmers Mechanization Project Implementing Process

Small Farmers Mechanization Project Implementing Process................."

Australians provide less support to their agriculture sector than any other nation

Australians provide less support to their agriculture sector than any other nation

Mick Keogh – Thursday, September 20, 2012

The OECD has released its annual review of national agricultural policies, and the results confirm that total government support measures for Australian agriculture are the lowest for any developed nation on earth, when expressed as a percent of national GDP.

The OECD carries out a review of international subsidy and support measures for agriculture each year, compiling a comprehensive database which details the value of government trade and subsidy measures for national agriculture sectors. Support measures for national agriculture sectors are expressed in a number of different ways, and mainly reported as either the percent of farmers gross income received from government subsidies and support measures (%PSE) or as total support measures for the agriculture sector expressed as a percentage of national GDP (%TSE).

When expressed as percent of total support (which includes tariffs, subsidies, and funding for things like research and development), Australia provides the lowest level of support for its agriculture sector (0.16% of GDP) of any developed nation included in the OECD analysis (as the following graph highlights).

When expressed in terms of Producer Support Estimate (%PSE) – which is the percentage of farmers income which is a consequence of government support measures, Australian agriculture ranks second lowest in the OECD (3% of farmers income from government support measures) , with only New Zealand (1%) lower. The OECD average support level was 18.8% – still persistently high despite global agricultural commodity prices being at historically high levels.

No doubt there will be grateful outpourings of gratitude and support from the Australian community and media for what is effectively for taxpayers the cheapest agriculture sector in the world, providing safe and nutritious food and earning 15% of Australia’s export income in the almost complete absence of any government or taxpayer support measures.

sugarcane planting Ethopia................

sugarcane planting Ethopia…………….

sugarcane planting Ethopia

sugarcane planting Ethopia................"

Sugar cane

Long ago, honey was the only sweetener in the countries beyond Asia, and all visitors to India were taken with the “reed which produced honey without bees”. What was that reed? Sugar cane was the reed.

Sugar cane (Saccharum spp.) is a tall grass that looks rather like bamboo. It was known in New Guinea for thousands of years. Sugar cane spread along human migration routes to Asia and India. Here

it was crossbred with some wild sugar cane relatives to produce the commercial sugar cane we know today.

Explorer Christopher Columbus transported sugar cane from the Canary Islands to what is now the Dominican Republic in 1493. The crop was taken to Central and South America from the 1520s onwards, and later to the British and French West Indies.

Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits

Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits in addition to their intrinsic value as living species. The use of native plant material (seeds, cuttings, plants) in vegetation projects plays an important role in the maintenance and restoration of native plant gene pools, communities, and ecosystems, and can help reverse the trend of species loss in Pakistan. Are we planning to develop live museums & seed zones @ various places of the country for various indigenous species almost we have already lost so many of them but some if remains………..Green Revolution era is over technically let’s focus more on “Evergreen Revolution”……………..


Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits

Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits "

Chiltepin pepper (Capsicum annuum) "mother of all peppers"

Chiltepin pepper (Capsicum annuum) “mother of all peppers” fruits are tiny but pack a punch! In Mexico, they are also called “chile” and sometimes “bird peppers”……………The Coronado National Forest in Arizona has reserved 2,500 acres in the “Wild Chile Botanical Area”, that provides habitat for the largest population of chiltepin chile peppers (Capsicum annuum var. glabrisculum) north of Me


A small, fiery, round pepper native to Mexico known as chiltepin (Capsicum annuum) is the single wild progenitor of hundreds of sweet or hot pepper varieties found in grocery stores today (jalapeno, poblano, mirasol, cayenne, bell, and others). Habanero and Tabasco are two peppers that did not originate from chiltepin.

Chiltepin are the oldest as well as the hottest wild pepper in the Americas. They grow on the rocky surfaces of steep slopes and are difficult to find because they grow in among other shrubs.

some cotton growers used "Defoliant/Stress Inducers

And some cotton growers used “Defoliant/Stress Inducers” to their cotton fields……………in this way nothing will remain neither for pickers nor for animals……………

some cotton growers used "Defoliant/Stress Inducerssome cotton growers used "Defoliant/Stress Inducers

some cotton growers used "Defoliant/Stress Inducers"

Cotton after final picking..

Cotton after final picking………….fields used to be allowed for any last remains on the plant to be picked by the pickers as the final reward…….Then animals r allowed to graze until the last green leaf……only after that cotton plant are cut & removed from the fields. and that field will be prepared for next crop most probably wheat. Cotton sticks r used for various purposes like used as the fuel for cooking, being used in houses “typical villages houses made of mud & such dried trashes”, chip board making etc & etc………..and some may incorporate it into the soil….

Cotton after final picking..

Cotton after final picking.."

Just a slight change in weather.

Just a slight change in weather.……..”northern winds” approaching towards winter, variation in day/night temp, dew factor etc…have changed the green landscape of onion field……..due to multiple factors like thrips, downy mildew & some stresses……..@ this stage onion field require more attention………


Just a slight change in weather."

Where Would You Like to See More Agricultural Funding Directed?

Where Would You Like to See More Agricultural Funding Directed?

The following are my suggestions: (1) Subsidizing Inputs for Family Farm holders (small scale Farmers) (2) Guarantee pricing for the small scale farmers produce (3)Providing C

redits to the Small Farmers.

Almost all of the millions of tons of synthetic fertilizers in use today were developed in the 1950s-1970s. They work, but half of what is applied to fields ends up in waterways and the atmosphere, adding to nitrate pollution, Dead Zones, and air pollution. We need to find ways to produce more effective, less polluting fertilizers more cheaply, thus making them available more widely. Greater uptake by crops and less waste and pollution could greatly ease world hunger without adding to energy or pollution problems. A relatively small commitment here could revolutionize the field and quickly yield great benefits.

To develop social, technical and financial skills to improve their livelihoods and take social action to change policies that affect them. In addition small farmers need capital to invest in improving their production and to help process what they produce in order to capture more of the market value of their products. More funding also needs to go to research specifically targeted to the needs and opportunities of small scale farmers………….

Agricultural funding” can no longer squander its resources on ‘cookie-cutter’ approaches. It needs to be applied towards systems that foster creative and unique thinking skills, a true understanding of natural systems, the utilization of local resources under the tutelage of indigenous knowledge, as well as design systems that reunite agriculture with a community’s needs: food and nutrition security, energy efficiency, renewable fuel sources, natural building supplies, local medicines, fibers, economics, labor, and more. Often times, these are the approaches that take no funding at all…..

Thursday 18 October 2012

Turmeric Process By
Turmeric Processing ,,,,,
There are some steps of Turmeric Production after harvesting .
Washing , Boiling ,Drying ,Coloring ,Polishing ,Grinding , 
How to process Turmeric ,There are some steps of Turmeric Production after harvesting . Washing , Boiling ,Drying ,Coloring ,Polishing ,Grinding ,
How to process Turmeric 

Turmeric Process

Turmeric Process'

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Farm Fresh Fun Can Farmer do the same

Farm Fresh Fun: Family-run farm and it support the community and it would be great if everybody could get out and support it! Farming Philosophy Farming is more than a job for us – it is our way of life. Our family strives to grow healthy fresh fruits and vegetables for your family. Our farming practices try to find a balance between modern farming technologies and low-impact biological methods: ensuring that we take care of our natural environment for future generations. Please enjoy the fruits of our labour! Can we do the same in Pakistan for small farmers…………..

Farm Fresh Fun Can Farmer do the same'

Sikkim Aims to Become ‘Fully Organic’ by 2015:

Food for thought:

Sikkim Aims to Become ‘Fully Organic’ by 2015:

Eco-friendly cabbage being sown in Sikkim………..

Gangtok: Sikkim, which started eco-friendly farming from a small area of land about a decade ago, is set to become a fully organic state by 2015, a senior state official has said.

“The entire state will be converted into a certified organic state by 2015. Our schemes and policies are well tuned to realise that goal,” Sikkim Agriculture Secretary Vishal Chauhan told IANS here.

According to him, structured organic farming started in the state in 2003 when the government set up the dedicated Sikkim State Organic Board to promote farm techniques that prohibit the use of manufactured synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

“Our Chief Minister, Pawan Chamling, had also introduced a resolution in the assembly seeking to convert entire farming in the state to organic. Now, our farming relies on techniques such as green manure, compost, biological pest control and crop rotation.”

Over 8,000 hectares of land was covered under organic farming between 2003 to 2009. In a bid to make the state fully organic, various state government agencies have been working in coordination.

The state government has completely stopped lifting of quota of chemical fertilizers extended by the Government of India since 2006-07 and all sales points for chemical fertilizers in public and private sector have been shut.

Sikkim government has also promoted large-scale use of bio-fertilisers and provides certified manufactured organic manure to farmers as an alternative to their chemical substitures, Chauhan said.

In order to provide alternatives to farmers, 24,536 rural compost units and 14,487 vermi-compost units were constructed in farmers’ fields till 2009.

The bio-village programme was also adopted in 2003 and around 400 villages were adopted by the state government till 2009 to benefit some 14,000 farmers and 14,000 acres of land in four districts of the state.

“We have also launched the comprehensive ‘Sikkim Organic Mission’ as a nodal agency to implement and monitor the programme in time-bound manner. A state-level apex body with the chief minister as its chair oversees the implementation,” the official said.

“Under the new initiative, the government has set a target to implement fully-organic farming technique by 2015. Organic products sell at a premium, which will benefit over 50,000 families in the state and promote organic agro-tourism.”

According to latest data, Sikkim produces some 80,000 million tonnes of farm products, including 45,890 million tonnes of ginger, 3,510 million tonnes of large cardamom, 2,790 million tonnes of turmeric, 4,100 million tonnes of buckwheat, 3,210 million tonnes of urad daal and 20,110 million tonnes of mandarin oranges.

“Significant portion of these products are already organic.”

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Tiny aphids act like a plant and trap light to convert to energy

Latest finding:

Tiny aphids act like a plant and trap light to convert to energy

They might be one of the only animals to mimic these photosynthesis-like abilities.

A tiny insect called the pea aphid might be one of the only animals to turn sunlight into energy like a plant.

Scientists say they’ve found evidence suggesting that the insect (Acyrthosiphon pisum) traps light to produce adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, the cellular energy currency that powers biochemical reactions. (For animals, cells typically convert energy from food into ATP, while plants make ATP via photosynthesis.).

Scientists have found that like plants, sap-sucking pea aphids (shown here) can trap light and use it to make ATP, an energy molecule, though they aren’t sure what the insects use the energy for.

Courtesy: Shipher Wu / National Taiwan U. via PLOS Biology


Tiny aphids act like a plant and trap light to convert to energy

Tiny aphids act like a plant and trap light to convert to energy'

For mango growers growers

For mango growers growers:

Mangoes & rain especially @ vegetation…………..perhaps my next study topic to see rain @ this time of the growth cycle & it’s impact on post harvest rots……………..A) fresh flushes (leaves) & rain……..with preventive “contact & systematic” fungicides & without And post application of fungicides both groups soon after when rain is stopped…….

B) Rain @ Mix trends on tree mature leaves, no new vegetation and new vegetative growth on the same trees……….with & without fungicides of any group……..

Are u planning to avoid post harvest rots pls do apply systematic fungicides soon after when rain is stopped………along with insecticides……..if there is too much rain & rain water is standing too long and new vegetative growth is on the tree pls do apply major & micronutrients as the foliar feed………….Note not mentioning drainage…….perhaps that area is yet to be learned…….”after rain in any area if orchards recieved too much rain with no drainage pls do post us we have something to share about it”

For mango growers growers:

For mango growers growers'

For small banana farmers.Banana fibre can be used in making cloth or objects such as baskets.

For small banana farmers:

Drying fibre extracted from the pseudostem of a banana plant. Banana fibre can be used in making cloth or objects such as baskets.


For small banana farmers.Banana fibre can be used in making cloth or objects such as baskets.'

Onion Production in Sindh

it has been estimated that area of onion production in Sindh province is roughly plus 63000 ha which can produce upto 861534 M tons………….this season soon after onion seedlings transplanting many areas in Sindh have been receiving very late monsoon rains “low, medium & heavy”………….Can someone predict what would be the total production of onion this year from Sindh province? And also is someone looking @ the onion crop status in India? just food for thought better for demand & supply within country and also for prices……………

Onion Production in Sindh

Onion Production in Sindh'

Climate Change in Pakistan.

By responding to this climate change in Pakistan…………following r the key areas to be focused:

1. overall improvements in Irrigation water distribution systems including the reduction in seepage & water use efficiency from conventional to modern approaches & methods….

2. Improvement in drainage systems…….. the most important one…

3. change in cropping pattern according to above mentioned systems

4. introduction of short duration crops etc…. or others that survives the worst “flooding & drought”……….we have now 3 worst years data can support the timings………..

5. Improvements in overall farming management systems

6. Agro forestry, fishery, poultry & livestock farming inclusive of it……

7. Frost bite……………

I would welcome your comments on it………..

Climate Change in Pakistan.'

A Roots Of Chilies

This is a root rot of chilies……………usually very common in flood irrigated fields, soon after rains, susceptible varieties & chili planting continuously on the same fields with no rotation………Basically it is like a governing system in Pakistan………….neversow chili in contaminated soil “public”, leadership rotation is badly required along with inbuilt tolerant or resistant characteristics who can withstand even from the flooding of money & contamination…………...otherwise same susceptible cultivars, same contaminated soil, same flood irrigation & same mono cropping……nothing will change but u will get only rots…….

 A Roots Of Chilies

A Roots Of Chilies'

Onion after rain


Onion after rain: this onion grower has a very good onion crop but he ignored couple of things after rains………….foliar feed & fungicides…………in flooded soil two major issues can cause problems……leaching of minerals & anoxia to onion roots… foliar feeds r always useful & due to increased humidity there can be a risk of diseases……….so fungicidal sprays r useful…….”Drainage & HEIS” are still big question marks here in Pakistan…….

Onion after rain

Onion after rain'

Mango Trees at Queensland in 1970

Queensland Archives: This picture may have been taken in 1960, 70′s…I don’t know………..Mango Trees @ Port Douglas………. trees over 50 feet in height, having a spread of the branches of more than 60 feet, a main trunk nearly 3 feet in diameter, that are under thirty years old………………

mango tree Queensland

Mango Trees at Queensland in 1970'

Mango Varieties

Rejuvenation of old & taller mango trees: Few facts………….not all mango varieties response the same regrowth pattern………response can varies due to many factors………for example soil profile……..previous management practices ….fruit load etc………….strictly following after rejuvenation management practices are perhaps key to success…………just remember one thing………….if any grower has intentions to rejuvenate his/her mango orchard……………pls do consult with any mango expert……..rather than doing it by on it’s own………….

mango varieties

Mango Varieties'

Infected Australian sheep unloaded in Karachi

Very Interesting Story: Infected Australian sheep unloaded in Karachi……..Australian sheep infected with scabby mouth disease have made their way into the metropolis………..

Approximately 75,000 sheep departed from Australia on board the Fremantle-based Wellard Rural Exports ship Ocean Drover. Their destination was countries in the Middle East. 53,000 sheep were offloaded in Qatar and Oman, while the remaining 22,000 were to be transported to Bahrain.

However when the Ocean Drover arrived in Bahrain on August 29 it was asked to leave its berth until matters were resolved. It was here that concerns were raised in regards to the sheep being infected with scabby mouth disease.

The ship remained in the waters of Bahrain for 14 days and the sheep were not allowed to be unloaded. According to standard rules, the ship should have returned to Australia, however its next destination was a city which was not even part of its original route.

The Ocean Drover docked in Port Qasim, Karachi on Tuesday night. The 22,000 sheep were offloaded and handed over to an unknown buyer. This scandal was covered by international newspapers however Pakistani authorities failed to take any action. Now Infected sheep to be culled, says commissioner…………..….source Geo TV…..

Infected Australian sheep unloaded in Karachi

Infected Australian sheep unloaded in Karachi'

Banana South America

This banana is not in Sindh…….it is in Venezuela “South America”………I just want to make a point……..many banana farmers in Sindh usually faced with these type of banana bunches “twisted”…………and it’s mainly the outcome of mismanagement…..The military are taking over some of the most fertile lands in the Banana Republic of Venezuela…supposedly to give it to homeless people…….


Banana South America

Banana South America'

sugarcane with drip irrigation system

sugarcane with drip irrigation system……….i wish to see many such technological innovations in Pakistan.

sugarcane with drip irrigation system

sugarcane with drip irrigation system'





Scientists develop new carbon for nitrogen fertilizer

Scientists develop new carbon accounting method to reduce farmers’ use of nitrogen fertilizer. Large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer lead to nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. “Nitrogen costs farmers money and degrades water and air quality, with significant health, biodiversity and downstream economic effects.”

When farmers reduce their nitrogen fertilizer use, they can use the methodology as a means of generating carbon credits. These credits can be traded in carbon markets for financial payments.

nitrogen fertilizer

Scientists develop new carbon for nitrogen fertilizer'

Pakistani Mangos

Colors of mangoes……Sindhri mangoes with Golden Yellow seems quite unique……… Germany…………..


Pakistani Mangos'

Afghan workers pluck saffron flowers

Afghan workers pluck saffron flowers on a farm on November 09, 2010 in Herat, Afghanistan. Around 2500 farmers, in eight provinces, are working on saffron farms for export mostly to India and some European countries. The trade in saffron is estimated to be of an annual value in excess of 200 million USD to Afghanistan. Agricultural produce programs, including Saffron, are being offered to farmers as an alternative to the harvesting of poppies, used in the production of heroin. In western Herat province, which borders Iran, the challenge is to be able to convince farmers of the long term benefits of replacing the growing of poppies with the purple crocus plants whose highly prized stigmas produce the spice used as a seasoning and a coloring agent in cooking.

Afghan workers pluck saffron flowers'

SIS frost protection system to become worldwide preferred option for different fruit tree/vine crops.

SIS frost protection system to become worldwide preferred option for different fruit tree/vine crops………………..I want to hear from those who r using it or atleast have seen it working…………..Can it’ll work for mangoes in Sout

h Punjab & banana in South of Sindh? It is just not the SIS units but there r many other options like heat blown by wind machines, overhead sprinklers, microsprinklers etc…….

At the beginning of the frost season in the northern hemisphere, SIS system is rapidly expanding its presence in diverse high profile fruit-growing and vineyard production countries. With more than 2000 SIS devices successfully protecting diverse fruits and vineyards, SIS system is operating in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay.

The 15-year field tested effectiveness coupled with low investment costs (1500 – 2500 USD/ha) and low operative costs (1 USD per ha per operation night) make SIS system the preferred option of many clients for frost protecting their crops. SIS system is the greenest frost protection method currently available (reduced noise generation, no carbon emissions and no use of water),

Frost Protection Corporation, creator of the SIS technology and many times awarded by world-class prizes, commercializes SIS system worldwide and offers its expertise in high-tech own set of solutions for frost protection problems in diverse crops and climates worldwide.

For learning more about the SIS system please visit

SIS frost protection system to become worldwide preferred option for different fruit tree/vine crops.'

Here are a few important facts about the regulations governing pesticide sales

Here are a few important facts about the regulations governing pesticide sales

1. Distributors, dealers and retailers must be licensed to sell restricted-use pesticides.

2. Restricted-use pesticides can be sold only to applicators who are certified to apply them.

3. Some states regulate the sale of restricted-use pesticides even more strictly than the federal government. Some require a license to sell general-use pesticides as well.

4. All pesticides sold must be unadulterated – without any modification of the product and/or labeling. For example, it is illegal to dilute a pesticide prior to sale.

5. The seller is responsible for stocking only pesticide products that have been registered by the regulatory agencies.

6. Sales of restricted-use pesticides must be carefully documented. Some states require similar documentation for the sale of pesticides approved for use by the general public.

7. The seller must store pesticides properly – according to label requirements and government regulations – and inspect the storage area regularly. For example, warning signs may be required, as well as suitable materials to absorb leaks and a plan for managing fires.

8. Sellers must follow very specific laws regarding refillable containers, repackaging of pesticide products and containment structures for certain products.

9. Pesticides sold over the Internet are not exempt from federal and state pesticide laws.

10. Sellers who ship or deliver pesticides must follow regulations governing their safe transport within and between states.

Here are a few important facts about the regulations governing pesticide sales'

Reliability/Quality of Agriculture Information Sources

Reliability/Quality of Agriculture Information Sources

The most useful asset a farmer can have to help with the management of risk is good information. There are many sources of information available to farmers. However, the most appropriate place to look for information depends on the type of risk with which the farmer is concerned. Among the most common risk factors that farmers face are weath

er, crop and livestock diseases, pests, adoption of new technologies, fluctuating prices, and government programs and policies.

The most widely used information sourcing method in Pakistan is from one farmer to another or looking @ outside the fence……and many farmers usually approach to contractors as they have huge influence upon farmers……no matter that information is wrong or right…….Farmers do resist & most of the time cannot differentiate in between quality information based on scientific evidences & ordinary information based on traditions…..Perhaps lack of education is main factor for that resistance from the farmers………….

Reliability/Quality of Agriculture Information Sources'


It is desirable that the follower is not growing up underneath the bunch.This could lead to rub damage to the fruit…………and growing points of followers…………so in order to avoid that i m using ropes… change direction of follower from underneath the bunch to little outside with the help of rope………..



Discovery of genes for resistance to black Sigatoka in bananas

Breaking News:

Discovery of genes for resistance to black Sigatoka in bananas:

Researchers at Equador’s Biotechnology Research Centre (CIBE) have isolated the genes that are responsible for conferring resistance to black Sigatoka in the n

aturally resistant banana variety Musa Calcutta-4. Scientists have now been able to develop a protocol for the genetic transformation of banana cultivars Williams and Orito as well as the plantain cultivars Barraganete and Dominico. This involved creating the embryonic cell suspensions needed to complete these transformations. black Sigatoka is caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, which affects the leaves of banana plants, leaving them discoloured and wilting…………….

Discovery of genes for resistance to black Sigatoka in bananas:

Discovery of genes for resistance to black Sigatoka in bananas'

Hot Black Chilies


..perhaps Spanish in origin…………………..

this is kinda Amazing looking ,,looking hot and cute

Hot Black Chilies

Hot Black Chilies'


Sugarcane: Existing Cultivars…………….almost all of them are for extremely hot & dry climatic condition…………..many of them in lower “coastal belt” Sindh are introduced from Punjab………so therefore yields per acre are very low…………..Lower Sindh have to be looking for different & new sugarcane cultivars best suited for the climatic conditions…………….


Onion crop

Onion crop is ready for harvest in sindh but price is down due to arrival of 60-100 truck from India via waga boarder,Punjab markets are fully supplied by Indian crops therefor our market is limited to sindh only,due to heavy subsidies for agriculture in India we cant compete with Indian agriculture supplies.Govt should revise Indo-Pak trade policies otherwise agriculture in Pakistan will completely destroy.

Onion crop

Onion crop'


I would appreciate if cotton growers do consider “Dusky Bug” & cotton red bug…..

serious insect pests………………can reduce yield upto 10-20% and reduce the fiber quality………

.and bad impression to buyers……….


Entire Agriculture

Where is the full stop?……………..i m worried about those farmers

who r in between traditional & precision farming………….

Agriculture At Earth 


  • Farming Has Been Keep On Changing

  • Land Degradation

  • Irrigation Water Shortages

  • Deforestation

  • Genetic Erosion

  • Control Over Seed

  • Climate Change

  • Energy

  • Population

  • Food Related  Diseases

  • Food Security

  • Urbanization

Entire Agriculture'

Monday 15 October 2012


<?php slidedeck( 891, array( ‘width’ => ’100%’, ‘height’ => ’300px’ ) ); ?>

Turmeric '

Wednesday 3 October 2012



Preparing of SUGARCANE Seed.


Monday 17 September 2012

Testing ?

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Testing ?'

Test Post from Agrarian World

Test Post from Agrarian World

Thursday 13 September 2012

A Glass Of Milk Acts Like A Painkiller

A Glass Of Milk Acts Like A Painkiller

SCIENTISTS include exposed that your magnifying glaas with milk contains a drink with about something like 20 painkillers, antibiotics as well as expansion bodily hormones.
Employing a highly receptive analyze, they observed the sponsor with chemical compounds used to take care of diseases inside dogs as well as persons inside types of cow, goat as well as individual boobs milk, studies the Everyday Mailbox.The doses with drugs were much too tiny to be able to influence everyone sipping all of them, nevertheless the benefits highlight precisely how man-made chemical compounds have become observed over the foodstuff sequence.
The Spanish-Moroccan workforce analysed something like 20 types of cow‘s milk ordered inside The nation as well as Morocco, along with types of goat as well as boobs milk.Their particular break down exposed that will cow‘s milk comprised microbes with anti-inflammatory drugs niflumic acid, mefenamic acid as well as ketoprofen — very popular since painkillers inside dogs as well as persons.

You’ll find it comprised the hormone 17-beta-estradiol, a form of the having sex hormone oestrogen.The lab tests in addition observed niflumic acid inside goat‘s milk, although boobs milk comprised microbes with painkillers ibuprofen as well as naproxen, along with the antibiotic triclosan as well as some bodily hormones.The experts, brought by simply Doctor Evaristo Ballesteros from the Collage with Jaen inside The nation, say their particular different 30-minute analyze is the most receptive with its variety and could become used to test the safety with some others with foodstuff. The analyze will be comprehensive from the Log with Farming as well as Foodstuff Hormones.

Middle-aged females who are speedy inside downing their particular dinners are greatly predisposed to become over weight and also overweight when compared with females who eat slower, a brand new exploration possesses observed.Otago Collage experts reviewed the connection in between self-reported pace with feeding on as well as entire body bulk listing (BMI) inside over one, 600 Different Zealand females good old 40 to be able to 50, the age group known to be during high risk with weight gain.Analyze major detective Doctor Caroline Horwath said that will immediately after adapting intended for variables such as grow older, ethnicity, using tobacco, exercise as well as menopause status, the experts observed that this quicker females reported feeding on, the higher their particular BMI, reported Language. media.

The analyze from the university‘s team with individual diet may possibly bring on different even more productive methods of treating fatness, the experts say.A brand new exploration possesses exposed that will taller females may acquire malignancy.Their particular threat with developing a number of the most popular forms will be about 1 / 3 greater.Scientists believe getting upright may possibly raise the concentrations with specific bodily hormones identified to be able to result in tumours. A study accomplished during Oxford Collage observed the risk with malignancy improved by simply all-around 16 % using just about every several ins with levels.
The scientists learnt the hyperlink in between levels as well as some from the most typical sorts of malignancy such as boobs, intestinal, kidney, womb, ovarian as well as leukaemia by simply considering the healthcare records with one thousand English females.

A Glass Of Milk Acts Like A Painkiller'

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Health Benefits

Health Benefits

Turmeric (Curcuma longa), the bright yellow of the spice rainbow, is a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic.

A Potent, Yet Safe Anti-Inflammatory

The volatile oil fraction of turmeric has demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity in a variety of experimental models. Even more potent than its volatile oil is the yellow or orange pigment of turmeric, which is called curcumin. Curcumin is thought to be the primary pharmacological agent in turmeric. In numerous studies, curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents such as Motrin. Unlike the drugs, which are associated with significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood cell count, intestinal bleeding), curcumin produces no toxicity.

An Effective Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Curcumin may provide an inexpensive, well-tolerated, and effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, recent research suggests. In this study, mice given an inflammatory agent that normally induces colitis were protected when curcumin was added to their diet five days beforehand. The mice receiving curcumin not only lost much less weight than the control animals, but when researchers checked their intestinal cell function, all the signs typical of colitis (mucosal ulceration, thickening of the intestinal wall, and the infiltration of inflammatory cells)were all much reduced. While the researchers are not yet sure exactly how curcumin achieves its protective effects, they think its benefits are the result of not only antioxidant activity, but also inhibition of a major cellular inflammatory agent called NF kappa-B. Plus, an important part of the good news reported in this study is the fact that although curcumin has been found to be safe at very large doses, this component of turmeric was effective at a concentration as low as 0.25 per cent—an amount easily supplied by simply enjoying turmeric in flavorful curries.

Relief for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Clinical studies have substantiated that curcumin also exerts very powerful antioxidant effects. As an antioxidant, curcumin is able to neutralize free radicals, chemicals that can travel through the body and cause

Health Benefits'

Sunday 9 September 2012

Agricultural Crisis

Agrarian Crisis And also Typical Crisis

 From your finish of the nineteenth centuries, considering the emerging trend throughout transportation, every one of these agrarian devices steadily presented both within the identical ever more single world current market this every day discovered a myriad of handed down inequalities and also the ensuing disparities throughout productivity and also earnings. In that case,

within the 20th centuries, productivity gains from your subsequent farming emerging trend (motorization, mechanization, mineral fertilizers, particular choice of signs, plants field of expertise) have been hence tremendous which they entailed a tremendous minimizing regarding authentic rates (deductions created inflation) on most farming goods. At the same time, the particular relation concerning the particular gross productivity regarding job within the lowest effective manual farming knowning that of the a lot of effective motor-ized and also power farming includes elevated by means of a few dozens of occasions, going by 1to 10at the particular addition of the 20th centuries for you to 1to above 100today. Presented together with these hard rivalry and also hit by means of lessen rates, the lowest amount of

well-equipped and also effective farmers saw the profits collapse. Obtaining grow to be is not capable regarding investing and also getting, we were looking at ruined for you to regres-sion and also taking away. By doing this, tens regarding an incredible number of smaller and also low to medium farms within the developed countries possess gone away considering that the addition of the centuries. Within the last a few many years, identical leads to creating identical consequences can see hundreds of millions regarding underequipped peasant farms within the getting coun-tries stepped straight into crisis and also eliminated, putting into the raising outlying exodus, lack of employment, and also outlying and also urban poverty.

This particular large say regarding planetary lack of employment and also poverty rules the particular growing regarding solvent world need that is definitely previously, on a international stage, inadequate for formidable business and also farming development. Although the particular archipelago regarding wealth created through the large business shelving units and also the satellites persists for you to produce and also improve, this detects alone stifled through the not enough retailers and also weighed down and also

Vulnerable by means of poverty raising a bit more every day. Our examination will be the adhering to: the particular fashionable typical crisis can be rooted within the huge and also ever-growing crisis of the lowest well-off peasant farmers, a new crisis this essentially outcomes by rivalry considering the a lot of effective farming enter-prises. The maximum danger regarding our epoch would be that the decrease in farming employ-ment can continue to dominate covering the creation regarding business throughout various other areas of the economic system and also, as a result, lack of employment and also poverty can pass on on a international stage faster in comparison with business and also content well-being.

There is absolutely no doubt which the world’s quick inhabitants growing noticeably exacerbates the consequences of the trend. Although, paradoxically, popula-tion growing could it be self inspired through the minimizing regarding farming rates above the past few many years mainly because this, sequentially, assures minimizing the price tag on the particular eating needs regarding people existence. If your necessary dilemma of the world economic system today actually is placed within the destruc-tive confrontation concerning the very diverse and also unequally effective agricul-tures this form the particular agrarian historical past regarding humanity, in that case the perfect solution is into the con-temporary typical crisis necessarily is placed from a synchronised coverage for the world weighing machine that would enable terrible farmers to guide yourself and also produce.

This particular coverage must be the one that would likely as a final point allow it to be achievable to finish the particular outlying exodus, raising lack of employment, and also poverty. Furthermore, this have to bring back solvent need within the terrible countries on a large weighing machine, that by yourself can be effective at allowing a new improve toproductive purchases and the world economic system. To present or go back to every type regarding agrarian devices handed down from your recent the possibility regarding starting the particular structure of your worthwhile long run for humanity will be the genuine method to deal with the overall crisis of the fashionable world economic system.


Agricultural Crisis"

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture

In the last analysis, for an active agricultural population in the world of 1. 3billion people, or half of the total working population, there are only 28million tractors, or some 2%percent of those working in agriculture Note that the total agricultural society of the world (working and not) is all-around 3billion people, or half of humanity. In addition, it is estimated that two-thirds of the working population in agriculture have benefited from the Green Revolution. Something like half of them use animal power, while the others still work with manual equipment. Subsequently, one-third of the world’s peasants, or more than 400million of the working human population (which corresponds to more than a billion persons to feed), work not only with strictly manual tools but without fertilizer, feed for livestock, pesticides, and specially selected varieties of plants and breeds of animals.

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture"

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050

In 2050, our planet will have some 9billion inhabitants (between 8and 11billion) according to estimations published by the United Nations in 2001. In order to feed such a population properly, without undernourishment or shortages, the quantity of vegetable products and solutions chose as food for humans and home-based animals will have to more than dual for the whole world. It will almost have to triple in the establishing countries, more than quintuple in Africa, and improve more than ten times in several African countries. In order to obtain such an enormous increase in vegetable production, agricultural activity will have to be extended and intensified on a longterm basis in every place of the world where that is feasible.

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050"

The Necessary Reorganization of International Agricultural Trade

The Necessary Reorganization of International Agricultural Trade

 The particular Essential Reorganization regarding Global Farming Operate So that you can enable all of the world’s peasants for you to build and also take advantage of cultivated ecosystems competent regarding delivering a new highest regarding protected and also high-quality commodities above the long run, devoid of harming the particular atmosphere, it is certainly necessary to halt the particular global farming selling price war. It is necessary for you to split considering the liberalization regarding operate this tends to format charges all around you considering the cheapest types available through the exporters regarding excess create. We’ve found viewed this these rates impoverish and also starve hundreds of millions regarding outlying population, that boosts the outlying exodus, redundancy, and also urban poverty, and thus minimizing solvent need nicely underneath needs.

 Furthermore, by means of forgetting overall parts and also an incredible number of peasants by manufacturing, and also by means of discouraging manufacturing by means of people who keep on being, these rates restrict farming manufacturing nicely underneath what exactly can be achievable together with recognizable and also sustainable methods regarding manufacturing. These rates, that engender the two natural under consumption and also underutilization regarding farming methods, are generally doubly Malthusian. What on earth is much more, many people put a damaging encumbrance for the ecosystem and the safe practices and also quality regarding create.

Farming and also foods items may not be goods including others. The selling price is always that regarding existence, and also, underneath the specific threshold, it is this regarding dying. To encourage ecological peasant farming all around you doable devoid of hurt, the one that can be effective at making certain the two quantitatively and also qualitatively the food item protection regarding and soon billion mankind, it is mainly necessary to make sure completely substantial and also stable rates for you to peasants so as to live together with self-worth from their job. It is the price of our long run. To the finish, it is essential to generate a business regarding international farming operate much more fair and also powerful versus the recent a single, a new company considering the subsequent key points: determine large typical farming market segments on a regional time frame, collection parts together with comparable farming productivities (Western world Africa, Southern region Japan, western Europe,

 far eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Center Far east, and so on. )#); defend these regional markets next to most of imports regarding low priced farming surpluses by means of shifting traditions obligation, assure for you to terrible peasants regarding disadvantaged parts adequate and also stable plenty of rates allowing these people to live from their job also to expend and also improve; work out international arrangements made, product or service by means of product or service, this equitably set up a normal purchase selling price with the product or service with international markets, and also an agreed-upon variety and also move selling price for each of these large markets and also, when necessary, for each nation. Also, throughout countries where the area can be monopolized by the minority regarding large landowners (latifundia proprietors), it will always be necessary to use genuine agrarian reform and also legislation insuring having access to the particular area and also protection regarding tenure into the best lots of individuals. Within the insides these large markets, earnings inequalities concerning more or less preferred farming areas may be remedied by the differential area duty, and also profits inequalities concerning farms which have been more or less nicely loaded throughout method of generation may be remedied by means of earnings duty.

As a final point, it will be imperative that you assistance publicly centered farming investigation, the two country wide and also global, so to target these homework in a way that provides main concern into the needs regarding terrible peasants throughout disadvantaged parts, carefully with the ecological viability regarding cultivated ecosystems (renewing sperm count) and also the global financial and also public viability (the particular improve and also equitable discussing regarding content well-being).

Most of the analyses and also propositions with this reserve work countertop for you to prominent global financial and also political thinking. However, these are greatly propagated and also continue to gain assistance. Stuff are generally occurring swiftly, alas, this have a tendency to corroborate our assertions this international switch throughout farming and also foods plans presents itself much more imperative every day. These coverage variations as well look much more attainable when it’s possible to appraise through the a lot of negotiations we have been known as upon for you to head together with officials regarding player unions, nongovernmental, governmental, and also international corporations, research institutes, and also shelving units regarding investigation, throughout Portugal and a lot of various other countries.

The Necessary Reorganization of International Agricultural Trade"

Agricultural heritage of humanity

Humanity’s Agrarian Heritage

“Modern” agriculture, utilizing much capital and little labor power, has triumphed in the developed countries. Despite the billions used in promotion, it has only broken limited sectors in the developing countries. The great majority of peas-ants in these countries are too poor to be able to afford the huge machines and large quantities of fertilizers. Around 80percent of the farmers of Africa, and 40 to 60percent in Latin America and Asia, continue to work exclusively with manual tools, while 15to 30percent of them use animal traction, and less than 5percent use electric traction. Modern agriculture is thus far from having conquered the world. Other forms of agriculture remain predominant and these continue to employ the the greater part of the active population in the developing countries. Certainly, the most disadvantaged and least productive amongst these farmers are continually marginalized, stepped into crisis and eradicated by com-petition from stronger farmers. But those who have the means to maintain themselves and advance offer proof of an unsuspected wealth of inventiveness and continue to develop in their own ways. It is an error to consider agricultures in the developing countries as traditional and predetermined. They are continually in transformation and continually participate in the creation of

modernity. It is another error to conceive of agricultural development as the pure and simple replacement of these agricultures with the only one that is supposedly modern, i. e., the motorized and mechanized one. Undoubtedly, this modern agriculture will be expanded further and will be of immense service. But it is difficult to conclude that it can be both generalized to the whole world and renewable in the long term, if only because of the probable exhaustion of phosphate reserves, which it uses in great quantities. Considering the role that all of the world’s agricultural systems should play in the construction of a livable future for humanity, it is disturbing to note how far both common and educated opinion are from agricultural realities, and to what extent that those who are in charge of agriculture are unaware of the wealth of humanity’s agrarian history. Certainly, works of historians, geographers, anthropologists, agronomists, economists, and sociologists that study agriculture are not lacking. But, despite their richness and their value, they consistently lack, it seems to us, a body of synthetic knowledge that explains the origins, the transformations, and the role of agriculture in the evolution of humanity and of life, in several time periods and in several parts of the world. They are missing a body of knowledge that can simultaneously be integrated with general knowledge and form a conceptual, theoretical, and methodological footing for all those who desire to get involved in agricultural, economic, and social development.

Projects and policies of agricultural advancement should respond to the needs of the populations in question, ensuring their agreement and encouraging their contribution, normally these interventions will be neither effective nor legitimate. But they should also be based on a real power. Just as a doctor would not legitimately listen to a person’s heart, make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment without preexisting knowledge of anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and human growth and aging, so one is not able to analyze a given agricultural system, formulate a diagnostic, and propose to your girlfriend projects and policies of development without being grounded in a systematic knowledge of the organization, functioning, and dynamics of different sorts of agricultural systems.

This book attempts precisely to build this type of knowledge, under the synthesized form of a theory of historical transformations and geographical differentiations of agrarian systems. This aims to be a theory based on numerous direct observations, without which nothing original could be conceived, but also on observations reported by others and on a sum of historical, geographical, agronomic, economic, and anthropological knowledge that has been considerably enriched over the last several decades. This theory is essential in order to apprehend agriculture in its complexness, diversity, and motion.

Agricultural heritage of humanity"

Monday 3 September 2012

Test Post from Agrarian World

Test Post from Agrarian World


Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

(Kasur) Farmer Launched Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan ,Tube well use self produce Electricity. No Power ,No Electricity any more ,No any Bill “Pakistani Inventions”

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan



Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

(Kasur) Farmer Launched Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan ,Tube well use self produce Electricity. No Power ,No Electricity any more ,No any Bill “Pakistani Inventions”

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan



Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan

Self Running Water Tube well In Pakistan