Sunday 9 September 2012

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture

In the last analysis, for an active agricultural population in the world of 1. 3billion people, or half of the total working population, there are only 28million tractors, or some 2%percent of those working in agriculture Note that the total agricultural society of the world (working and not) is all-around 3billion people, or half of humanity. In addition, it is estimated that two-thirds of the working population in agriculture have benefited from the Green Revolution. Something like half of them use animal power, while the others still work with manual equipment. Subsequently, one-third of the world’s peasants, or more than 400million of the working human population (which corresponds to more than a billion persons to feed), work not only with strictly manual tools but without fertilizer, feed for livestock, pesticides, and specially selected varieties of plants and breeds of animals.

Majority of the World’s Farmers Involved in Manual Agriculture"

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