Sunday 9 September 2012

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050

In 2050, our planet will have some 9billion inhabitants (between 8and 11billion) according to estimations published by the United Nations in 2001. In order to feed such a population properly, without undernourishment or shortages, the quantity of vegetable products and solutions chose as food for humans and home-based animals will have to more than dual for the whole world. It will almost have to triple in the establishing countries, more than quintuple in Africa, and improve more than ten times in several African countries. In order to obtain such an enormous increase in vegetable production, agricultural activity will have to be extended and intensified on a longterm basis in every place of the world where that is feasible.

Agriculture And Food Perspectives For The Year 2050"

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